Fill in the blanks:
- 减肥产品广告常说有让人身材______的神奇功效,化妆品广告则常说能让人的脸更______。
- 地震发生的时候,非政府组织的高效率______了政府效能的低落。
Answer the questions:
- When you see the phrase "当然是件好事", the messages follow it would be mostly something the author agree or not? Please give an example or google one.
- When you see the phrase "无可厚非", the messages follow it would be mostly something the author agree or not? Please give an example or google one.
- When you see the phrase "A不难,难的是B", is A or B the important one? Please give an example or google one.
BBGS L4 Homework:
1. 窈窕
2. 显得
Part two:
1. Author disagrees. Example from google: 明知对农民来说当然是件好事,可是看到文中提到新纪家园,我还是有点莫名的烦恼.
2. Author disagrees. Example from google: 过去曾有军公教人员待遇特别低的时代,政府以各种补贴照顾军公教人员,固无可厚非,但今日的军公教人员待遇在国民平均所得之上,已属中上收入了。
3. "B" is more important. Example from google: 做精品手机不难,难的是只做精品手机.
Fill in the blanks:
1. 瘦,白
2. 反衬
Answer the questions:
1. When you see the phrase "当然是件好事", the message following it would mostly be something with which the author agrees. Example: 提高老百姓的平均工资当然是件好事,但是也可能导致意外的后果。
2. When you see the phrase "无可厚非", the message following it would mostly be something with which the author agrees. Example: 我们可以把我们之间的纠纷提交给警察,这样作是无可厚非的,但是也许我们能找到比较好的办法解决这个问题。
3. When you see the phrase "A不难,难的是B", B is the important one. 减肥不难,难的是保持新的重量。
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