
[Package-Describing] 克服困難的經驗

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[ Purpose ] A story of overcoming difficulties can be very encouraging and inspiring, especially when it's a true story that happened on the speaker. Now let's try to tell one of our true stories to encourage others and ourselves.

[ Note ]

  • It should be no more than three minutes in length.
  • At least one pattern should be used.


Anonymous said...

Last week my daughter had a very serious problem. Because of her anxiety and depression problems she believed she ought to commit suicide. My daughter took too much of her medication and therefore became very sick. I called the doctor and he came to my home. The doctor examined my daughter. Fortunately my daughter’s condition was not life threatening, but because she tried to kill herself the doctor believed my wife and I should continuously observe her. Every day and every night we watched our daughter. My wife and I never slept at the same time. It is very difficult to constantly watch one child when we have to take care of four other children, but parents often have to overcome difficult problems.

Right now my daughter is much improved. She is calm and no longer wants to hurt herself. She is taking two new medicines, Prozac and Xanax. She also receives therapy at a Community Center in Tianmu. I think she is very happy because she’s receiving help and now knows that many people in the State Department and AIT communities want to help her.

Our goal now is to continue with my daughter’s therapy for three months then she will return to America with my wife and other children. My wife and I both believe she needs to start working and overcome her fears. Although I always want to protect my daughter I know that she will never succeed in Taiwan.


現在我的女而轉好。他很服帖還是不想搬磚砸腳。梅天他吃兩個新的要,puluozhake 和一個有英文名字的要叫”xanax“。他梅蛤禮拜兩次在一個天母的社會中心也受到療法。沃覺得他很高興受到幫助還是現在知道很多美國國務院和AIT 的人都想幫助他。
