
The purpose of using "就算是…也…"

Friday, November 14, 2008

[Click here for Simplified version]
What are the differences between sentences "A" and sentenses "B" in following pairs?
(1A) 每個人都不能干涉司法,對此馬總統非常堅持。

(2A) 他们不畏懼危險,不論什麼挑戰都要勇敢地面對!
(2B) 他们不畏懼危險,就算是刀山火海要勇敢地面對!

(3B) 著名導演謝晉曾說,他要把一生獻給電影事業,就算是要死在攝影機旁。

(4A) Obama當選總統之後,成為新聞焦點。據了解,
Obama 正在考慮提名Hillary Clinton 為國務卿,雖然這是政治八卦,但仍令人注目。
(4B) Obama當選總統之後,成為新聞焦點。據了解,Obama 正在考慮提名Hillary Clinton 為國務卿,就算是是政治八卦令人注目。

From the above pairs, we can see that each of the "B" sentence, having "就算是…,也…", is using "an extreme example" to emphasize the speaker's main point. That's why the "B" sentences sounds stronger than "A" sentences.

  • Sentences (2B) and (3B) are typical examples that they use "刀山火海" and "死" to emphasize one's determination and devotion.

  • Sentence (1B) is using "總統" to emphasize that no one is allow to break the law.

  • Sentence (4B) is using "政治八卦", which is yet to be confirmed, to emphasize the considerable attention Obama attracts.