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"形象问题" Part-1
- (0'31") 啥事儿 ......[=什么事]
- (1'38") 严肃点儿!...... ["a kind of attitude+点儿" : used to tell/urge/advise sb. to adopt this attitude.]
- (1'41") 谁也不许乱开玩笑。
- (1'42") 要时刻保持X的风度......["时刻" : adv. (formal)=always; 保持风度 (“风度”=[graceful] bearing/manner) is a good collocation.]
- (1'51") 还是顺其自然好......["还是X好" : after consideration, it would still be better to X.]
- (1'55") 以我为榜样,向我看齐......["向sb.(=RM)看齐": means "learn from sb., take sb. as a role model." This expression is mostly used for urging or encouraging someone to learn from this role model.]
#7, 8:[rhetorical questions] - (2'18") 你不就是来找麦苗的吗?
- (3'03") 你不就是那个开饭馆的小勇吗?
- (3'11") 你连我的声音都听不出来啦?......["听不出来" : can't recognize one's voice or a certain sound, or distinguish a sound from another.]
- (3'21") 你整容啦?整得真像外国人。......[整容=have plastic surgery]
- (3'29") 太像了,你比外国人还像外国人。
# 12-18: [typical Chinese New Year greetings, very good for this Chinese holiday season.] - (3'50") A: 祝大家新春大喜。 B: 同喜同喜。
- (4'19") (这是)跟他学的。......[for "learn from him" in Chinese use "跟...学"]
- (6'07") 祝您在新的一年里一帆风顺、天天向上。
- (6'10") 祝你考试得满分。
- (6'15") 祝您身体健康、万事如意、越活越年轻。
- (6'19") 祝您事业有成、前途无量。
- (6'24") 祝您的餐馆生意兴隆、财源滚滚。......[for business owners]
- (6'27") 祝您孩子学习进步、快乐成长。
- (6'33") 祝你早日把女朋友带回家。
- (6'35") 哪壶不开你提哪壶!......[= you would have to bring up a subject that is a sore point or a topic of particular sensitivity…similar to “Don’t go there!”]
- (6'41") 这是我练口语的好机会。
- (6'56") 你真(的)干了啊?
- (7'00") 客人敬酒,不能失礼。......[“when a guest makes a toast, one (the host) must not be disrespectful [i.e., you have to drink with the guest]”]
- (7'12") 尊重女性是男士应有的风度。
- (7'26") 这不是酒量不酒量的问题,这是保持形象的问题。......["这不是A不A的问题" : When "A" is a noun, it means "This has nothing to do with A." When "A" is a verb, it means "This isn’t a question of whether you A or not." When "A" is an adjective or adverb, it means "This isn’t a question of whether it is A." Usually "A" is a topic the other person has just mentioned.]
形象问题" Part-2
- (0'56") 下面由我给大家表演节目。......[N.B. : only the preposition "由" can be used here when talking about taking on a task.]
- (1'09") 喝高了 ......[=喝多了, which is more common]
- (1'11") 在座的中国人 ;在座的各位嘉宾;在座的各位同事......[在座的… = “(those…) present,” referring to people attending the same gathering, meeting, party, etc.]
#4, 5, 10 [" 非要...(不可)" in most cases means "have to", e.g. "你非要用功学习不可." However, here it is being used to mean "insist on," and the person who says this is showing strong disagreement/displeasure.] - (2'41") 您非要睡沙发(不可)
- (2'49") 还非说要保持中国老头的形象(不可)
- (3'14") 你喝醉了那个样子,简直像个小孩。......[Here "简直" “simply, nothing short of…” shows the speaker's criticism. Sometimes "简直" can also be used for compliment, e.g."你的表现简直是十全十美(“simply perfect”)。"
- (3'24") A: 我昨天什么样啊? B: 反正昨天您是喝多了,到底什么样,您可以自由想象。......["反正" means "anyway; anyhow", usually introduces a conclusion.]
- (3'55") 我的形象毁了。......[This is a Topic-Comment structure. "形象" (“image”) collocates with "毁了" (“has been ruined”) or "保持" (“maintain”)]
- (5'46")(做那么多事情)把你妈快累死了。......[This word is spoken by a mother to her son. The interesting thing is that the mother doesn’t say "把我快累死了" but rather, "把你妈快累死了" instead. The use of "你妈" emphasizes the mother-and -son relationship, which "我" doesn't do.]
- (6'12") 他们非要在一起狂欢(不可)。
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